Friday, March 6, 2015

Panel 3 is done

Panel 3 is all done - I'm loving the trees, even if they're only partial trees!  Not totally happy with the legs or the eyes on the birds.  I'm using silk, over one - and I think the colour is a little dark so it looks very stark and the silk plumps up a bit much.  I  may get something finer and just a little lighter - but I'll think about it for a few days first.


  1. This is just beautiful!! I am still finishing up block 2 but looking at yours makes me want to get with it and start on block 2. These birds are so pretty!!

  2. Everything looks beautiful! So exciting to see progress. The birds legs will recede once there is other strong focal points IMHO.

  3. It's lovely! I'm just getting started on Part 3 so thank you for showing me what I have to look forward to this month.

  4. Your pieceis looking fantastic! I'm still way behind but looking forward to getting here soon :)

  5. Oops girls - so sorry - wrong photo! - but I'm sure you get the drift - all the birdies do have both their wings@
