I finally got top make a start on my Harbor. And you know what?-- She does bring great serenity. :)
I am using a cream (generic term -- I'll have to check the label on that linen pile again, sorry), 32-count linen and stitching over-2. I intend for the most part to use the called for threads, but I m changing the roses to red flosses (a pair of Anchors and a DMC) and I will probably change the water to Belle Soies (or whatever their new name is... I keep forgetting). So far, so good, but I will admit to chanting continually in the back of my mind.... "Please Lord let me not have miscounted... Please Lord....."
I agree with you, such peace stitching this piece. "Girlie" colors usually aren't my style but this piece just called to me. Yours looks great