Friday, January 2, 2015

A bit of info from ME

I was just asked form Carol about the size for the sky area because she was thinking of maybe painting some of the area or using a different media for a special effect. 
Ok,  I put my thinking cap on :)
The sky starts with the sun at stitch #29 and ends with stitch #79, That will leave 50 stitches for the sky and you can figure from there depending on what fabric count you will use how many inches; but don't forget that around the sun the outlined back-stitch area does curve around.  
An other alternative to add to the sky area is to use a 1/2 cross stitch in different areas to give more shading. Some areas with 1 strand of floss and maybe other areas with 2 or 3 strands.
 I am thinking of coloring in some sky areas too because the sun is not standing out enough for me on the grey from Fabric Flair. I don't want to take out the stitches and change floss so I will maybe do some back-stitching or ? (still thinking)
AND one more thing note: I have only used cross stitches with some French knots and back-stitching so  you will be able to stitch this design over (1) because I have no other specialty stitches.

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