Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Block 5 is Finished

Finally finished block 5 yesterday on Serenity Harbor. Lots of solid stitching but it is enjoyable to do on a very hot day inside with the A/C going. I love Serenity Harbor. I have blocks 6 7 and 8 so I won't be running out on this one anytime soon. We broke a record here with the 106 F heat so staying inside and stitching was incentive to finish stitching on the water in block 5.    My dh says this looks like where he lived in Camden, Maine and I just need to get him to go there with me for a visit now.  I have never been to the New England area and would love to go.  If not for the winters there, I would love to live there.


  1. Gorgeous! Block 6, 7 & 8 will only get better and better, especially the trees - so you have lots to look forward to!

    1. Thank you Wendy!!! Your Serenity Harbor is absolutely gorgeous and you are such an inspiration to me!! I love the trees so much as well. It is just such an wonderful project to stitch!! I look forward to seeing your progress too! :)
