Monday, January 5, 2015

Serenity Harbor News

I just sent out emails with this same letter but I wanted to make sure everyone could see the news.
Serenity Update 1/5/2015
Just an update on this first month.
Is your PDF Missing?
I sent out the PDF charts early this month as a Thank You and a Happy New Year but they will be going to your email boxes on the 3rd of every month. I do have some people that have not received theirs yet and I have gotten questions about that, I have misspelled some email addresses, so if you do not have yours yet please check your spam folder or email me and I will check the Adobe program to see what went wrong.
Be Patient With The Mail, this was the 1st time :)
Since this was the first month, we have so many shops that have joined us and it was a very hectic Holiday season for the post office there a few shops that have not received their mailed charts yet. Please be patient they are on the way. For February and all of the remainder months the charts will be going out to the shops approx a week before the PDF’s are emailed on the 3rd. This will give time for the postal system, and I will ask shops not to give charts out until the 3rd so we will all be the same. I will not be able to transfer your account from a shop to my PDF list because this had already started, the billing is in place, and shops have made a commitment.  
Blogger Invites
One more thing; we have 2 blogs running and many have accepted the invite. This means you are able to post pictures and communicate with others about your progress. If you are not going to post but just accepted the invite please delete your membership. I still have room for people to join on the second blog but it is almost full. I do not want to start a 3rd blog. If you are not blogger savvy and would like me to post your pictures for you please email them to me with a note about them and I will gladly share them for you :)
No Blogger invite Yet!!
If you have not received an invite for blogger and you will participate with comments and post please email me, I will find you on the list and send you an invite. We have approximately 35 invites that have no response so I will be deleting those to make room for 35 others.
So a BIG thank you to all and email if you have questions
Have a good week


  1. Donna, I'm a little behind everyone else in that I just ordered fabric from PTP on Saturday. I do intend to post comments and progress photos every month so please keep me on as a blogger. As soon as my fabric arrives, it won't take me long to get part 1 done and posted. Thanks!

  2. Hi Donna I would like to do this beautiful sampler. I was taking care of an old friend who died and wasn't able to get all this in January and would like the PDF chart, how do I get it?
